UK-India Business Leaders Climate Group discusses laying down of a charter of principles, actions and mechanisms to cut carbon emissions and identify business opportunities to fight climate change in both the countries.
Articles From Archives
Signalling the complete operationalisation of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, non-renewable resources minister Farooq Abdullah and power minister Sushil Kumar Shinde release the guidelines for the selection of new grid connected solar power projects.
Call it an Indian CEOs growing UN tribe. With the United Nations gradually viewing businesses as part of the solution rather than the problem to address issues like climate change and social development, a number of Indian CEOs are invited to occupy high chairs to lead serious non-business initiatives as well as share their experiences at important global conferences.
Two of India’s largest and respected businesses the Tata Group and Indian Oil have made it to the list of 270 companies worldwide to have adopted a human rights policy statement.
In his acclaimed book, ‘Capitalism at the Crossroads’, Stuart Hart argues that MNCs are in a position to innovate to lay the foundations of a sustainable form of global capitalism and also profit in the process.
Leading Indian IT companies are planning to tap the $380-million low-carbon IT market, which is projected to grow at a CAGR of 40% to $4.2 billion by 2017.
When UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon held a press briefing at the UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit 2010 in New York, he had Ajit Gulabchand, CMD, HCC for company.
Solar industry leaders welcome the guidelines for off-grid and roof-top solar applications, launched by Non-Renewable Resources minister Farooq Abdullah.
Interior India is seeing a war being fought by big businesses with the help of small and marginal farmers for their share in the organic cotton market.
Going by the response to his just-released Building Social Business, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus is on the verge of ushering in a social business wave to address problems like poverty.