The top 10 philanthropy causes in India range from education to healthcare, livelihood enhancement, disaster relief and management and sustainable development.

With 90 philanthropists cumulatively donating INR 9,324 crore, education is the most favoured cause. With 84 donors, healthcare registered a 111% increase in cumulative donation, followed by disaster relief and management, which had 41 donors, registering a cumulative donation of INR 354 crore or an increase of 240%. Education has been the biggest cause supported by donors not only in India but also in Hurun’s Global Philanthropy List. Healthcare and water conversation witnessed a spike in donations compared to last year.
Top 10 popular philanthropic causes – 2020
Rank | Cause | No. of Donors | Total Donation (INR Crore) | Highest Donor | Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR Crore) |
1 | Education | 90 | 9,324 | Azim Premji & family | 7,867 |
2 | Healthcare | 84 | 667 | Anil Agarwal & family | 73 |
3 | Disaster Relief & Management | 41 | 359 | Mukesh Ambani & family | 261 |
4 | Rural Transformation | 54 | 274 | Shiv Nadar& family | 59 |
5 | Environment & Sustainability | 60 | 181 | Azim Premji & family | 35 |
6 | Livelihood Enhancement | 29 | 100 | Rahul Bajaj & family | 22 |
7 | Societal Platforms | 2 | 108 | Nandan Nilekani | 95 |
8 | Sports for Development | 37 | 63 | Mukesh Ambani & family | 21 |
9 | Think Tank | 2 | 50 | Nandan Nilekani | 48 |
10 | Water Conservation | 19 | 47 | Hinduja brothers | 34 |
Rank: 1
Cause: Education
No. of Donors: 90
Total Donation (INR crore): 9324
Highest Donor: Azim Premji & Family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 7,867
Description: With total contributions of INR 9,324 crore, education remains the most favoured philanthropic cause followed by healthcare (INR 667 crore) and Disaster Relief & Management (INR 359). Ninety donors contributed to the education sector. Azim Premji and family are the biggest donors to the education sector. They contributed to the education sector INR 7,867 of their total donation of INR 9,324. Last year 59 donors made contribution of INR 1565 crore to the education sector.
Rank: 2
Cause: Healthcare
No. of Donors: 84
Total Donation (INR crore): 667
Highest Donor: Anil Agarwal & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 73
Description: Healthcare registered a cumulative increase of 111 per cent. With 84 donors making a total donations of INR 667 crore, healthcare sector has become the second most popular philanthropic cause of 2020. Anil Agarwal and family have become the most generous with a donation of INR 73 crore for the cause. Last year 53 donors made contributions of INR 292 crore in the healthcare sector.
Rank: 3
Cause: Disaster Relief & Management
No. of Donors: 41
Total Donation (INR crore): 359
Highest Donor: Mukesh Ambani & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 261
Description: With 41 donors, disaster relief & management has become the 3rd popular philanthropic cause of 2020. Total donations of INR 359 crore have been contributed towards the cause. Mukesh Ambani and family have become the most generous with a donation of INR 261 crore for the cause. In comparison to the last year’s ranking, disaster relief & management has secured 3rd spot from 8th among the top 10 popular philanthropic causes in 2020.
Rank: 4
Cause: Rural Transformation
No. of Donors: 54
Total Donation (INR crore): 274
Highest Donor: Shiv Nadar & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 59
Description: Rural Transformation has been an important cause from the start. This year rural transformation become the 4th popular philanthropic cause. Total donations of INR 274 crore were contributed towards the cause, which is more than the total of last year’s donations. Shiv Nadar & family have become the most generous philanthropists with a donation of INR 59 crore for the cause.
Rank: 5
Cause: Environment & Sustainability
No. of Donors: 60
Total Donation (INR crore): 181
Highest Donor: Azim Premji & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 35
Description: In India, manyenvironment and sustainability projects are run by different companies such as solar infrastructure project by Infosys Ltd, social forestry by ITC Ltd, and solid waste management by NTPC. As philanthropists are highly conscious of the issue, it has become the 5th popular philanthropic cause of 2020. A total donation of INR 181 crore has been contributed towards the cause. Azim Premji & family have become the highest individual donors with donation of INR 35 crore. The total donation to the cause was INR 181 crore.
Rank: 6
Cause: Livelihood Enhancement
No. of Donors: 29
Total Donation (INR crore): 100
Highest Donor: Rahul Bajaj & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 22
Description: Livelihood enhancement has become the 6th popular philanthropic cause of 2020. A total donations of INR 100 crore has been contributed towards the cause. Rahul Bajaj & family have become the highest individual donors with donation of INR 22 crore for the cause out of the total donation of INR 100 crore. In comparison to the last year’s donation, it is decreased to INR 100 crore from INR 172 crore.
Rank: 7
Cause: Societal Platforms
No. of Donors: 2
Total Donation (INR crore): 108
Highest Donor: Nandan Nilekani
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 95
Description: Two donors contributed to the Societal Platforms. Nandan Nilekani co-founder and non-executive chairman of Infosys and family are the biggest donors to the cause. They contributed INR 95 crore from total donation of INR 108 crore.
Rank: 8
Cause: Sports for Development
No. of Donors: 37
Total Donation (INR crore): 63
Highest Donor: Mukesh Ambani & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 21
Description: Thirty seven donors contributed to Sports for Development. Mukesh Ambani and family are the biggest donors to the segment. They contributed INR 21 crore of their total donation of INR 63 crore to sports for development.
Rank: 9
Cause: Think Tank
No. of Donors: 2
Total Donation (INR crore): 50
Highest Donor: Nandan Nilekani & family
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 48
Description: India has the second-largest number of think tanks in the world, with the country’s total hitting 509 in 2018 behind 1871 in USA and ahead of China (507). Think Tank has become the 9th popular philanthropic cause of 2020. A total of INR 50 crore has been contributed towards the cause. Nandan Nilekani & family have become the most generous philanthropist with donation of INR 48 crore for the cause.
Rank: 10
Cause: Water Conservation
No. of Donors: 19
Total Donation (INR crore): 47
Highest Donor: Hinduja Brothers
Highest Individual Donation for the cause (INR crore): 34
Description: Water conservation has become the 10th popular philanthropic cause of 2020. A total donation of INR 47 crore has been contributed towards the cause. Hinduja Brothers have become the most generous philanthropist with donation of INR 34 crore for the cause.
Related reports:
▪ Philanthropy picks up in India in 2020
▪ Top 10 philanthropists in India – 2020
▪ Top Personal philanthropists in India – 2020
▪ Top 7 Women philanthropists in India – 2020
▪ Top Philanthropic cities – 2020
— With inputs by Mohammad Mujtaba, an intern from Jamia Millia Islamia.