The Indian IT industry’s endeavor to hire more female employees is welcome, but more needs to be done to increase women’s participation in the workforce for their empowerment and strengthening the national economy.
Social Sector
India’s North Eastern Region (NER) District SDG Index Report and Dashboard 2021-22 is an important instrument for taking the SDGs from the global to the national to the local level.
The Supreme Court Collegium’s recommendation of three women judges for elevation to the apex court holds high symbolic significance for women’s empowerment in India.
While the celebration of achievements on the occasion of India’s 75th Independence Day on 15 August 2021 is well earned, it is also necessary to take note of failures to take action to convert these into future successes
Human trafficking is gradually moving up on the national and international agenda as regulators, investors and civil society contemplate to take more measures to stop it. It is also partly due to the understanding that the Covid-19 pandemic is increasing human trafficking risks.
Covid-19 is fuelling an interest globally in businesses guided by environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations and making it an imperative for companies to generate evidences for investors.
With the threat of the third wave of the coronavirus increasing by the day, it is becoming equally important to fight not only the Covid-19 pandemic, but also the accompanying infodemic that is contributing to it.
While it is difficult to assess the impact of the recently announced UN Global Compact’s 2021 SDG Pioneers in achieving the SDGs, the initiatives can serve as examples for others to integrate the goals in their businesses.
For the first time since adoption in 2015 for a better world, the worldwide progress on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) has shown reversal due to increased poverty and unemployment caused by Covid-19.
The diaspora can consider to volunteer to support some of the SDGs, or may be some targets related to only one goal like the SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being.