India and Israel have inked a new three-year work programme agreement (2021-2023) for enhancing cooperation in agriculture, including focusing on modern agriculture infrastructure, capacity building and market linkages, according to a joint statement.
Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India, said, “This new work programme will further strengthen bilateral relations and mutual cooperation between the two countries in the field of agriculture for the benefit of the farming community.”
He added, “The Centres of Excellence established under these Israeli-based action plans are playing an important role in doubling farmers’ income. The exchange of technology between India and Israel will greatly improve the productivity and quality of horticulture, thereby increasing the income of farmers.”
Every year, these Centre of Excellence produce more than 25 million quality vegetable seedlings, more than 3,87,000 quality fruit plants and train more than 1,20,000 farmers about latest technology in the field of horticulture. Building on the existing Centres of Excellence, the project envisages setting up of Indo-Israel Villages of Excellence.
Ron Malka, Ambassador of Israel to India, said, “The three-year work programme (2021-2023) reflects the strength of our growing partnership and will benefit local farmers both through the Centers of Excellence and the Villages of Excellence.”
Sanjay Agarwal, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, said, “These Centres of Excellence established under Indo-Israel Agriculture Action Plan (IIAP) have become epicentres of transformation in horticulture sector. Our focus during the new work programme will be to convert the villages surrounding these Centres of Excellence into Villages of Excellence through massive outreach programmes.”
India-Israel Villages of Excellence is a new concept aimed at creating a model ecosystem in agriculture across eight states, alongside 13 Centres of Excellence within 75 villages. The programme is expected to promote increase of net income and better the livelihood of the individual farmer, transforming traditional farms into modern-intensive farms based on IIAP standards. Large-scale and complete value chain approach with economic sustainability, embedded with Israeli novel technologies and methodologies will be tailored to local conditions. The programme will focus on modern agriculture infrastructure, capacity building, and market linkage.
The work programme will also aim to grow existing Centres of Excellence, establish new centres, increase centres’ value chain, bring the centres into self-sufficient mode, and encourage private sector companies and collaboration.
Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Government of India, and MASHAV, Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation, are leading Israel’s largest G2G cooperation, with 29 operational Centres of Excellence across India in 12 States, implementing advanced-intensive agriculture farms with Israeli agro-technology tailored to local conditions. The Centres of Excellence generate knowledge, demonstrate best practices and train farmers.
Source: The Times of India
Published on 5 June 2021